SUKR were appointed by Jacobs Engineering to carry out remedial works to an existing load bearing reinforced concrete column at Kimberly-Clark’s Barrow Mill factory. The cracking was shown to pass through the column and was deemed a H&S risk in need of urgent repair.
The first stage of the repair was to restore the structural integrity to the area surrounding the damaged column. This was achieved in two stages, firstly we installed 2 steel brackets either side of the column at first floor level. The second stage was to open up two areas of brickwork either side of the column, allowing us to install RSJ’s and supporting Heavy Duty Acrow Props/Strongboys.
The extent of the concrete removal highlighted the poor condition of the column, and 11 days after completion of the reinstatement, a cube test result returned with a compressive strength of 64.5N/mm2.
Comments passed on from Jacobs Engineer on site: ‘Please thank Danny and Mark for their efforts and patience and the test cube results together with the consistency of the well compacted material shows the quality of their work.’
Posted in: Concrete Repair, Cathodic Protection & Protective Coatings on September 15th, 2016Head Office
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01704 898105